About Us
The leaders of the Carton Industry in Palestine
The National Carton Industry Company is one of the initial Palestinian companies that have been working in the packaging sector in general and the carton industry in particular.
Since 1989 the company has started working as a private shareholding company with a capital of 600,000 JD through the initiative of Palestinian businessmen and soon after, by the year 1993 it became a public shareholding company by attracting new capitals that raised its capital to 5,000,000 $ and this undoubtedly enable the company to expand its business as well as increase the efficiency of its performance.

The company has been working in manufacturing closed and opened carton boxes with highly international, local, and regional standards of quality along with Palestinian workers and local experiences that accompanied the company’s improvement and developments as well. Further, the company is practicing its working and activities through its main headquarter in the eastern industrial zone of Nablus city where about 52 employees are working in the company from those who have practical experiences and scientific degrees.
Moreover, upon the company’s realization of its contribution importance and effective role in supporting the Palestinian economy and despite several obstacles that resulted from the fluctuations in political and economic situations in general and mandatory subordination to the Israeli economy in particular which had an impact on the presence instability and upset in the Palestinian economy, it concentrates on development processes in all aspects through meeting the needs of different sectors whether industrial, agricultural and services from packaging besides developing shareholders’ equities.
In the mid of 2012 and for company’s seeking for raising the efficiency of operational and financial operations along with increasing its effectiveness, the board of directors has taken series of strategic decisions mainly administrative restructuring to the company that influenced on achieving significant growth in sales volume and reaching the largest market share in Palestine in comparison with other companies that are working in the same field whether these companies are local, Israeli or regional in addition to raising the company’s annual profits and the return of investment is acceptable within the known standers in its working sector.

To be the pioneers of carton industry in Palestine.
To contribute effectively in the development of the Carton industry & packaging sector in general as well as in particular. On the Other hand, the supplement of Palestinian market with national products which meets the needs of Palestinian economic sectors whether municipal, industrial or agricultural by using the highest standards of quality on the local and international levels leading to the benefits of our customers and shareholders that are involved.
Strategic Goals
Expansion of the company’s products basket of more packaging products that meet the requirements of the Palestinian market.
Development of Current products in accordance with the standards of local, regional and global.
Keeping pace with the technological development in the field of packaging industry in general and the cartoon industry as particular.
Producing Palestinian national product that competes Israeli and other imported products.
Creating new opportunities for Palestinian citizens through meeting the company’s social responsibility.
Maximizing shareholders’ equity.