
Major Shareholders

The table below shows the major shareholders in the company and the number of shares as listed in 31/12/2020

# Shareholder No. of Shares Percentage
1 Palestine Industrial Investment Company 2,152,212 43.04%
2 Al-Maseera International Company 347,222 6.94%
3 Al-Haj Taher Al-Masri Company 247,200 4.94%
4 Vegetables Oil Industries Company 173,001 3.46%
5 Mr. Hisham Ahmad Abdulwahab Salmodi 124,699 2.49%
6 Mikkawi Clothing Company 100,000 2%


1. The Executive Committee

The board of directors decided in its meeting no. 2/2011 that was held on 16/4/2011 to nominate an executive committee in order to promote the company through following up the implementation of the board’s decisions and discussing the investment opportunities through the development of industrial processes and products, as well as discussing the reports of performance and achievement of budgets, plans, and policies and also making appropriate recommendations to the boards.
Executive Committee Members:
  • Mr. Mohammed Fawzi Najjar -Committee Chairman.
  • Mr. Ayman Hatem Abu Ghazaleh .
  • Mr. Ahmad jameel Saify.
  • Mrs. Valentina Faiq Fehmi Masri.

2. Governance & Internal Audit Committee

The board of directors decided in its meeting no. 4/2014 that was held on 27/9/2014 to constitute Governance & Internal Audit committee for the purpose of following up the issues related to applying governance code in the company and suggesting corrective actions further to providing assurances through tracking workflow in the fields of efficiency and effectiveness in executing actions, moreover, following up company financial reports and also company and executive compliance to applicable laws and regulations.
Governance & Internal Audit Committee Members:
  • Mr. Sameh Muayyad Atout- Committee Chairman.
  • Mr. Ayman Hatem Abu Ghazaleh .
  • Mr. Fadi Adli Jumaa.
